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Financial and Administrative Tools for different Business and Home Uses - Sale Tracking - Estimating - PDA Estimating - Innovative Thinking - Real Estate Purchase Evaluator - Rental Property Manager - Personal Debt Repayment Accelerator and Control - Personal Budgeting and Payment Scheduling - Financial Family Health Care Control -


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Financial and Administrative Tools for different Business and Home Uses: Sale Tracking, Estimating, PDA Estimating, Innovative Thinking, Real Estate Purchase Evaluator, Rental Property Manager, Personal Debt Repayment Accelerator and Control, Personal Budgeting and Payment Scheduling, Financial Family Health Care Control
More Optimizers & Diagnostics Utilities for Registry Errors, Disk Cleaners and System Cleaners
File Lock Software, Privacy and Identity Protector, Password Decryptor and Recovery, File Search and Recovery
Salus File Access Monitoring, Employee Control, Child and Teen Computer Monitoring, Password Recovery

Privacy Protector - Spy Ware Alert - Spy and AdWare Remover - Anti Virus - Emergency Virus Reponse - Internet Evodenmce Elimonator - Lap Top Theft Tracking Software
Ringtone Makers for your iPhone and other Mobile Devices- Monophonic, Polyphonic and Music Ringtones explained- Video to iPhone Converters
Voice Chat Line Utilities, Video Chat Utilities, Voice and Webcam Morphers, File Sharing Centers for Films and Music
ACD Audio and MP3 Products

MP3 Educator (Normalizer Utility)

Advanced Equalizer



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Financial and Administrative Tools for different Business and Home Uses: Sale Tracking, Estimating, PDA Estimating, Innovative Thinking, Real Estate Purchase Evaluator, Rental Property Manager, Personal Debt Repayment Accelerator and Control,Personal Budgeting and Payment Scheduling, Financial Family Health Care Control
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Operating System: Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7

Download and Purchase here

Product ID

US$ 1,497.00
Single User License -
Multiple User Licenses are available

InstantSalesTracker is a reliable and feature-packed database designed to help your business easily manage customers, suppliers, inventory and accounts.

Streamline your business processes with this flexible and powerful database system for recording:

Customer Details Shipments
Payments Inventory Purchases
Refunds Supplier Details
Customer Contacts Supplier Payments
Sales Orders Customer communication history

And reports are so easy to create, they're only a click away:

Invoices Picking Slips
Delivery Dockets, Purchase Orders
Sales Reports Marketing Reports
Dispatch Trends    

InstantSalesTracker is user friendly and intuitive. Even, if you're a computer novice, you'll be generating records and printing reports in minutes.

With international support and multiple currencies, you can use InstantSalesTracker in any country. Best of all, InstantSalesTracker will increase business efficiency, saving you time and money.

4 All Memory - 100% Compatible

SOS - Estimating/ Invoicing/Payroll Software

Operating System: Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7

Download and Purchase here

Product ID

US$ 155.00

PDA Estimating

Download and Purchase here

Product ID

US$ 198.00

Simply Estimating

Download and Purchase here

Product ID

US$ 58.50

Simply Invoicing

Download and Purchase here

Product ID

US$ 50.00

Create quick & accurate estimates. Create/edit custom DataSources for material pricing/labor units.

Transfer Estimates to Invoicing with Time & Material Billing option. Keep up-to-date with Accounts Receivable reports. Track customer history of completed jobs & payment history. Enter/edit personnel data.

Enter paychecks with automatic deductions for Federal Withholding, FICA & Medicare taxes. View/print monthly, quarterly, & YTD payroll reports.

Invoices & Proposals can be used in the USA, Canada and is now also Australian friendly.

Estimates & Invoices can be copied in order to create a quick similar estimate.

Program can be installed to any drive/directory.

Create quick, accurate estimates on your Pocket PC. This is a companion program to Simplified Office Software's Estimating/Invoicing/Payroll. The Shareware version of SOS PDA Estimating is fully functional so that you may evaluate it and see if it will suit your needs.

Estimates Created on SOS - Estimating/Invoicing/Payroll can also be converted for use with the PocketPC. Transfer estimates back & forth between Pocket PC & PC.

Creating & managing your estimates has been simplified by grouping estimates by customer’s names. You can simply type in a customer’s name and a list of every estimate produced for that customer is displayed. Each estimate can be viewed, edited and updated if necessary.

Never again submit an estimate where you forget to enter the quantity for a particular item, or add a custom part to an estimate & forget to price it. The estimate is scanned & `blank` or `0` quantity and material-cost columns are highlighted to bring this fact to your attention

The heart of any estimating software lies in its DataSource (a collection of materials & associated prices (and optionally the associated labor-units)). You can create your own DataSource from scratch, or modify one of the sample DataSources included with the Estimating module. The DataSource is fully customizable and adding Sections, SubSections, and Items has been simplified. You can also convert an existing materials database that you are currently using with the built in utilities that are included.

Transfer estimates to/from a PocketPC .

Entering new invoices & editing existing invoices has been simplified by grouping invoices by customer’s names. You can simply type in a customer’s name and a list of every invoice produced for that customer is displayed. Paid invoices can be recorded and the customer’s payment history is clearly visible. Each invoice can be viewed, edited and updated if necessary. Utilities to print overdue invoices, (>30days), are included.

Printed invoices are designed to be mailed in a standard #9 double-window envelope, 3 7/ 8 x 8 7/8, so there is no need to address envelops, just fold the invoice, & send.

To keep track of outstanding invoices, accounts receivable reports can be generated & printed.

Internet MegaMeeting, LLC

Operating System: Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7

Download and Purchase here

Product ID

US$ 89.95

You possess the most powerful instrument in the universe - Your Brain! The most advanced supercomputer pales by comparison. The human brain has a natural ability that technology can never hope to match - The Ability to Conceive Ideas.

Every advancement of human endeavor began with the birth of a new idea, and every idea, whether great or small, spawned in the mind of one person at one time. But where do these new original ideas come from? How are new ideas created? Where can one go for a reliable source of inspiration to find the elusive way forward, the unique and innovative approach, the new “twist” that fits?

Innovation * Invention * Creativity *

New Ideas - You get them all with the help of Think Tank. Prepare yourself to acquire a new unexpected mental power, a new fluency of ideas, and a greatly enhanced ability to find new ways of looking at everything you see, learn, and do. Think Tank is a new, unique, and effective tool that stimulates your mind to probe deep into your subconscious and discover new worlds ripe for exploration and discovery.

Why is creativity so difficult? Why was Galileo Galilee almost burnt alive for proving that the planets orbited the Sun, and not the Earth? Why did scientists laugh at Louis Pasteur's discovery of germs, "Louis claims our bodies are full of little animals"? Why would people ridicule Henry Ford in the belief that, "The Automobile will NEVER replace the Horse”. Why did it take 75,000 YEARS! - before someone finally thought of putting a handle on a tool? Why? - Because of the lamentable fact that most of us do not know "HOW" to think creatively. Why? - Because most of us were ever taught, or discovered on our own, exactly "HOW" to effectively utilize the truly awesome energy of our own imagination.

But today there is Think Tank, a new revolutionary tool that everyone can use effectively, regardless of age or level of education. Here is the ultimate resource that will hurl your mind ever closer to any goal you seek to achieve. Think Tank is easy to learn, easy to use, and will always, ALWAYS, produce results! If you are ready to unleash your natural potential to generate an endless abundance of fresh new ideas, new innovations, new solutions, new inventions...

Download and Purchase here for one Year

Product ID

Operating System: Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7

Download and Purchase here

Product ID

US$ 131.99

Real Estate Investment Deal Forecast without spreadsheets like a true professional Real Estate Investment Financing Software for individual investors and professionals for valuating deals.

Determine the WORTH of the real estate investment opportunities in residential or commerical. Easy to use like a video game.

Find out what the property is worth. Determine when you will make your money back and whether you need to sell your property to make a great profit.

Cashflow forecasting analysis and sale transaction analysis. Easy for beginners in investing, real estate development, appraising, property management, and real estate agents, to make financial forecasting decisions when buying a property to determine the value.

Mortgage comparison and analysis with insight into interest rates. Analyze refinancing and loans. For lease analysis and lease value in with reports and charts for the bank. Determine internal rate of return, and when you'll make make your money back. Accounting software for real estate projections and forecasting. Leverage for Real Estate by Glacier Concept.

my Netbook Direct

Operating System: Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7

Download and Purchase here

Product ID

US$ 249.95

Rental Property Manager (RPM) is a one-stop database for managing your rental property information. RPM is designed by a property manager to meet your unique needs. It is for real estate professionals and private property investors alike.

Using RPM, you can save and manage data about your properties, tenants, and financial transactions. RPM includes advanced reporting functions that create spreadsheets with the rental information you need.

Is your property portfolio residential, commercial, rural, or varied? Do you have two or three properties, or two or three hundred? RPM can grow with your portfolio.

Key Features

Manage data about every property, including:

General address data
Specific notes
Detailed, customizable lists of assets and property dimensions
Full Inspection records, including file space for digital photos of your property

Manage data about your tenants, including:

General tenant and tenancy data
Link tenants to properties
Record and report on financial data for your properties,
Individual Rental Unit Income
Individual rental Unit Expenditures
Automatic Calculate Rent function provides fast updates of who owes you rent
RPM Planner provides an event calendar for scheduling property inspections and other events
Create reports with practical information about your properties, tenants, assets, expenditures, and more

Operating System: Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7

Download and Purchase here

Product ID

US$ 129.95

The Inteli-Pay Debt-Payment Acceleration system is based on the premise that the user commits to paying the same amount month after month, until they are debt free.

Inteli-Pay tracks debt balances and payments each month and computes payment for each creditor. When one debt pays off, that payment is "Rolled Forward" to the principal of the next most advantageous debt to facilitate debt freedom in 1/2 to 1/3 the normal time and saves the user tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Portions of the Roll Forward may be "Allocated" to various types of savings, while the balance is applied to the next debt's principal.

Artisteer - DNN Skin Generator

Operating System: Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7

Download and Purchase here

Product ID

US$ 14.95

Version 8.0 is a fully automated software product that tracks all of your monthly expenses and compares them to the amount you budgeted.

It comes complete with formatted reports so you can view or print reports to analyze your performance. This program is designed so that a beginner will be able quickly learn and utilize its functionality.

Yet, it is detailed enough to meet the needs of the most experienced budgeter.

Operating System: Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7

Download and Purchase here

Product ID

US$ 69.00

Munia is a personal finance scheduling program that allows you to manage credits / debits, appointments and deadlines by means of a single data sheet [1] and calendar [2] showing expiry dates relevant to a selected period. All commands are grouped in both the upper toolbar and menu bar.

Munia is quick and easy-to-use. The data sheet clearly displays all credit / debit due dates and the relevant amounts, differentiating between open and met deadlines. It is possible to filter data on the basis of given criteria by simply by selecting the relevant item from the tool bar list. In addition, rows can be grouped in a homogenous manner, according to set criteria, to clearly and automatically show the overall amounts due.

Calendar - Things to do

When the program is opened a calendar shows the deadlines relevant to the day in question. It is possible to select a different period at any time. In addition, the calendar highlights those dates still showing open deadlines. The lower part of the screen features a list of Things to Do (Open deadlines) for the selected period.

Status Bar

The status bar on the lower part of the screen shows information relevant to the operation being carried out. A coloured circle on the right side of the screen indicates the current deadline situation (Green: OK - Red: Open, expired or about to expire deadlines).


Operating System: Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7

Download and Purchase here

Product ID

US$ 29.95

Family Health Care Manager (FHCM) can help you manage all aspects of your family’s medical conditions and expenses.

Know exactly what you owe to providers, what your insurance company owes you, and which claims you need to submit. FHCM’s innovative dashboard view tells you at a glance the status of all your medical finances and benefits, and lets you quickly see exactly which visits you need to submit and which you’re waiting for your insurer to process. Track your deductibles and see if you’ve reached your out of pocket maximum. Know at a glance how many physical therapy visits you have left. You’ll save money by tracking medical bills, reimbursements, payments, and tax deductions. FHCM can save you time and reduce stress by helping you keep all your information organized.

Family Health Care Manager™ lets you record, track, analyze, and generate reports on your family’s medical history, medical expenses, and insurance activities. FHCM™ can track medical provider visits, personal medical observations, insurance claims, explanation of benefit statements (EOBs), symptoms, conditions, medications, services, insurance plans, and flexible spending plans (FSAs).

Seamlessly track symptoms, treatment, diagnosis and procedure codes, lab results, and physical exams. You can enter your own observations of symptoms and link them to ongoing conditions. Medical history related to provider visits and your own observations are completely integrated. You can quickly see how many times your child had an ear infection last year or what your blood pressure was the last 3 times it was checked either by you or your physician. Find all the times you experienced a particular symptom, and what medications were prescribed.

And unlike other programs that ask you to submit private information to their web site to get comparative pricing information (and to trust that it will remain private), FHCM keeps your data on your computer.

Here are some of FHCM’s most innovative features:

  Easy entry of healthcare provider visits – as much or as little detail as you like
  Track bills, insurance payments, write-offs, and your own payments
  Easy entry of in-network (copay only) visits
  Multiple “installment” payments per visit
  Instantly see balances with all your providers
  Enter “statement” payments toward provider balance and optionally assign them to unpaid visits
  Quickly find expenses that need to be submitted for reimbursement
  Identify claims that haven’t been processed
  Flag claims that were denied or in dispute so you can come back to them
  Designate providers as in or out of network, allowing intelligent calculation of deductibles and OOP expenses.
  Automatically track services that your insurance company limits and get a warning when you are running out of your allowance for that service!
  Track non-provider expenses such as fitness benefits or durable medical equipment
  Easily track EOBs, Insurance Claims, and Flexible Spending Account Claims and Balances
  Intelligent calculation of expense eligibility for FSA reimbursement
  Track remaining balance on FSAs. FHCM warns you if you haven’t used up your contribution as year-end approaches or if you still you have visits to submit as the deadline for submission of claims is approaching!
  Innovative dashboard view quickly shows you the status of deductibles and OOP expenses, claims requiring your attention, provider balances, and FSA status. FHCM shows you what needs your attention most!


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